Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm going to try to do this once a day. So some of them are going to be boring. I guess you pretty much have the picture now. I'm seriously looking for work.

I am a software engineer with extensive experience in the embedded software field. I have worked for defense companys and most recently for a commercial company in the telecommunications area. The assumption that I am going on is my departure is the result of outsourcing jobs to overseas locations. That assumption is based on recently training two chinese nationals to do my job. That was one of the signs that I should not have ignored. I just assumed I would be assigned to a new project. Silly me, my new project is job hunting.

So far I have taken a bunch of classes that attempt to teach me what my resume should look like, what are the most effective jobsearch techniques, and some hard reality looks at what I need to do in order to compete with other job applicants. Mainly that amounts to an advertising sales pitch with me as the star product. You know... a meat market.

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