Sunday, February 17, 2008

Memory is a Poor Substitute for Records

I guess I have to admit something. When I started this blog thing at least one of my reasons was so I could look back at a hard record without sitting down and thinking something like " Well I believe it was sometime around February of last year.. or maybe the year before...". Well you get the idea. I've always been envious of people who religiously keep their day-planner or diary up-to-date. It seems that they usually have all of their other records neatly arranged by year in some kind of filing system.
My system has usually been a different sized cardboard box for each year. If the box desintegrates, then that is the signal that I don't need that year anymore. I think my memory works the same way. Ocassionally I will get some kind of "blast from the past" like when I run across some old photos or hear about a high school reunion. That will wake up some old pile of memories for a short time. However my recollections of things is blurry at best. When I actually run into old friends or see old photos it comes as a shock because my recollections are usually a little different. In my memories my friends were better looking and the things we did were a lot more important than actual records seem to indicate.
So I am trying to do the day-planner thing and this blog thing. My hope is along with easy retrieval of the past, at least keeping up-to-date by occasional reviews may lessen the shock of change. It may also serve as a reminder that my life needs to be fun to live. Because first "I cannot take it with me " except for the records I keep. And no-one else is going to do it for me because choices I made and who I am has kept me in a state of obscurity such that the general public is unaware of my existance. When most of us leave this existance there will be no published biographies lining the shelves of the bookstores. No records of the decisions we made and why we made them. We ( most of the population) are just not important enough for anyone to care. Dang, this is pretty dark thinking huh? So if we all keep little pieces like this blog, diaries, notebooks, photo albums, and stuff, some one might be able ot at least get a peek into what life was like for us.
OK, that's enough for now. I gotta go. Maybe I'll pick back up on this later. maybe not.

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