It's a good thing that I am not dependant on the number of people that read this for my daily bread. Woo Hoo... That would be a buzz kill for real.
I never thought that There would be a large audience for my ramblings during the job hunt, But I did think that the number would be larger than Zero. Insert picture of deflated Ego here.
Seriously folks. I did not even tell friends and family about my venture into the blogging world. That would be too much like selling girl scout cookies. I really wanted a place where I could spit out anything with no fear. However I kind of vicariously like the thought that you can't take back what you spit out. I wonder if it will withstand the time test. You know, read it a week later and think " Wnat a lame thing to think !! Even lamer to write it down where anyone could stumble across it ".
Oh yeah, on the job front... So far So good... still employed. But getting up at 5AM kinda sucks.