That's what I get for asking. No one replys. Probably my fault for not knowing how to advertise a blog. Of course the "other" answer is the blog is Boring... Of course it is boring you idiot... I'm a software engineer nerd!! The only thing more boring would be a resident Egyptologist in an obscure musuem in Bumsquatch Nebraska!
You would think you would be getting used to being ignored by now. It starts as soon as the layoff announcement is known. Everyone at work tends to avoid you like you have the plague or something. Maybe antibiotic-resistant TB is a more recent simile. I know they don't mean to, but it is kinda like some kind of superstitious ritual like not walking under a ladder. You just cannot avoid doing it.
Another interesting thing about being laid off is the emotional turmoil. You pretty much run the gamut from anger to fear. That can cause you to appear a little unstable to friends and family. I have to watch it to keep from exploding over some little thing around the house.
Well another day and another resume copy in the mail. By the way, did I mention that I am really good at this software thing? I got lots of awards and stuff. That's just in case you are a hiring manager with a hot job request in your hand.