Friday, November 16, 2007


Well it should be painfully obvious by now that this blog thing is a catch as catch can kind of happening. The only time I can do this is when nobody else is around. And those times are seldom seen.
Part of the problem is I just cannot stand an audience. The other part is the audience is either competing for my attention like my grandkids or trying to drive the train like other people I could name. Don't smirk. you know what I mean. Either telling me I got it all wrong or trying to correct my grammer. I'll have you know my memory is just as good as it always has been and my grammer is dang near purfik.
Other news is there has been yet another layoff at where I used to work. Must be about number seventeen in the series. Another piece of the pie headed across the border. I know because some of the refugees have come to work where I am currently employed. I have given up hope that congress or company higher ups will ever realize that it is a declining spiral. Wall Street has them paralyzed.
It is real simple. If you fire more people, then you make less product to sell. If you sell less product, then you make less money. As a matter of fact if you fire more people, then there are fewer people out there with money to buy your product because your people buy products from others that use that money to buy your product.
The system is self-feeding but it can also be self-eliminating.
I think I will call my new theory "enema economics" instead of "trickle down economics".

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