Saturday, October 6, 2007

Amazing Feats by the Government

Wow, they now have an "interim" security clearance . I have been informed that I have one of those. So now I can do real work on my assigned project. That is amazing because it means that the gov actually changed an existing procedure. Remember that these are the same people that still say it is agianst the law to carry wirecutters in your hip pocket is certain states. However, back to the subject.
I wonder how that works?? I think "interim" means that it is still in the investigation phase but they have got far enough along to assume that I will probably test out all ok. That's all right if I make it, but what if I don't? Do they have one of those 'Men In Black' thingys that make you forget the stuff I am not allowed to see?? That is a scary thought! Maybe that's how Reagan, Ollie North, and Clinton were able to state that they just could not "remember" some incriminating items. That definitely means that the device wasn't around during Nixon's term.
This could be a real hoot !! You could finally forget that really cute girl in High School that turned you down. There are lots of really embaressing moments that I could definitely do without! Besides that I could re-claim that room for storing things now that I keep forgetting.
I gotta go think about this... later folks

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