Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well it is unavoidable isn't it?
Advertisers are trying every trick in the book. You mail cards to "friends" that you havn't spoken to in years. You hang out enough lights to make your electric supplier Lick his chops and sharpen his billing pencil. You hope that the people that you know with the holiday depression syndrome catch a bye on this one. for the umpteenth time you wish you had bought stock in a battery company. You go screaming through a couple of stores at the very last minute. All these things are just the prelude.
Time seems compressed and flies by all too fast.
But take one look at the face of a child. And listen for 30 miinutes to thier thoughts with no regard for your own.
It's all worth it!
Do not let polititions, self-centered idiots, or self-serving parasites take that away.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!